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Sabtu, 11 Juli 2009
Daftar Riwayat Hidup Menteri Luar Negeri RI
Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Tangerang, 9 Juli 1948
Jabatan terakhir : Menteri Luar Negeri RI pada Kabinet Gotong Royong, 10 Agustus 2001 s/d 19 Oktober 2004
Status perkawinan : Kawin, Hadiah Herawatie SH, LL.M (isteri)
dan 5 anak
Alamat : Jalan Widya Chandra III/12, Jakarta Selatan,
Jakarta 12190
Sarjana Hukum (SH), Universitas Indonesia, Fakultas Hukum, Jakarta, 1971.
Oxford University, Foreign Service Programme, (Post graduate study Hukum Internasional, Politik Internasional dan Perdagangan/Keuangan) Oxford, Inggris, 1975 s/d 1976 (Certficate in Diplomacy).
Master of Arts in Law and Diplomacy (MALD), Tufts University, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Medford, Massachusetts, AS, 1984.
Master of Law (LL.M), Harvard University School of Law, Cambridge, Massachusetts, AS, 1985.
Doctor of Juridical Science (SJD) di bidang Hukum Internasional, University of Virginia School of Law, Charlottesville, Virginia, AS, 1987 (Disertasi mengenai Hukum dan Politik Kelautan di Asia Tenggara).
Sekolah Staf Dinas Luar Negeri, Deplu, Jakarta, 1974-75 dan 1988
Pengalaman Kerja:
1.Menteri Luar Negeri (10 Agustus 2001 s/d 19 Oktober 2004.
Dalam kedudukan ini antara lain sebagai:
Ketua Sidang Menteri Luar Negeri ASEAN/PMC/ARF, Juni 2003 s/d Juli 2004;
Co-Chair AASROC, Juli 2003 s/d sekarang;
Ketua Komite 10, Organisasi Kenferensi Islam (OKI) mengenai masalah Moro, Filipina;
Mewakili Presiden RI sebagai Utusan Khusus pada KTT ASEM di Hanoi, Oktober 2004 dan KTT G-15 di Venezuela, April 2004;
Mewakili Pemerintah RI pada Majelis Umum PBB, ASEAN, OKI, GNB, ASEM, FEALAC dan pertemuan bilateral.
2.Direktur Jenderal Politik, Departemen Luar Negeri (17 Juli 2000 s/d 9 Agustus 2001).
3.Duta Besar Luar Biasa dan Berkuasa Penuh/Wakil Tetap Republik Indonesia untuk PBB dan Organisasi-organisasi Internasional lainnya di Jenewa, merangkap Duta Besar/Wakil Tetap RI untuk WTO dan Konferensi Perlucutan Senjata serta Wakil Pribadi Presiden Republik Indonesia pada Kelompok Lima Belas Negara Berkembang (G-15), Desember 1998 s/d Juli 2000.
4.Duta Besar Luar Biasa dan Berkuasa Penuh untuk Republik Mesir merangkap Djibouti (Oktober 1997 s/d Desember 1998).
5.Mewakili Pemerintah RI (sebagai perunding utama) dalam Dialog mengenai Aceh dengan GAM di Swiss (Januari 2000 s/d Agustus 2001).
6.Ketua Delegasi RI pada pertemuan tingkat Pejabat Senior (SOM) ASEAN, ASEAN+3, ARF, PMC, dan sebagai Utusan Khusus Pemerintah RI pada pertemuan tingkat Menteri Luar Negeri Asia - Eropa (ASEM), Asia - Latin Amerika (FEALAC), dan ASEAN/ARF/PMC, (Juli 2000 s/d Agustus 2001).
7.Kuasa Hukum Pemerintah RI dalam perkara Pulau Sipadan dan Pulau Ligitan dengan Malaysia pada Mahkamah Internasional, Den Haag, (Juli 2000 s/d Desember 2002).
8.Direktur Organisasi Internasional, Departemen Luar Negeri, (1993 s/d 1997).
9.Pemrakarsa (1989) dan Penasehat Ahli pada Komisi Nasional Hak Asasi Manusia (Komnas HAM), (1993 s/d 1997).
10.Ketua/Anggota Delegasi Indonesia untuk berbagai pertemuan dan Sidang Majelis Umum PBB, Dewan Keamanan, Badan-Badan Khusus PBB, Komisi HAM PBB dan sub-komisinya, ASEAN, Gerakan Non-Blok, Organisasi Konferensi Islam, WTO dan G-15, (1989 s/d 2004).
11.Fasilitator/Ketua Komite Gabungan untuk proses perdamaian antara Pemerintah Filipina dan Front Pembebasan Nasional Moro, (1993 s/d 1996).
12.Counsellor, kemudian Minister Counsellor/Kepala Bidang Politik, Perutusan Tetap Republik Indonesia pada PBB dan Organisasi Internasional lainnya di Jenewa, (1989 s/d1993).
13.Kepala Sub-Direktorat Perjanjian Teritorial, Direktorat Hukum dan Perjanjian Internasional, (1988 s/d 1989).
14.Kepala Seksi Masalah Politik Hukum, Direktorat Organisasi Internasional, (1981).
15.Atase dan Sekretaris III, Bidang Politik dan Konsuler, KBRI Kairo, (1977 s/d 1981).
16.Kepala Seksi pada Sekretariat Kelompok Kerja Luar Negeri Dewan Stabilisasi Politik dan Keamanan Nasional, Sekretariat Jenderal Departemen Luar Negeri, (1974 s/d1975).
1.Praktek pengacara (legal aid) dan dosen part-time di Jakarta, (1972 s/d 1975).
2.Penasihat hukum/Sekretaris Perusahaan pada Dockyard State Enterprise, Tanjung Priok, Jakarta, (1972 s/d 1973).
3.Partisipasi sebagai pembicara pada berbagai seminar/lokakarya nasional, regional dan internasional mengenai masalah-masalah HAM, perlucutan senjata dan pemeliharaan perdamaian.
tokoh indonesia
Minggu, 05 Juli 2009
Guides for writing and presentable news
A newspaper is a publication containing news, information, and advertising. General-interest newspapers often feature articles on political events, crime, business, art/entertainment, society and sports. Most traditional papers also feature an editorial page containing columns that express the personal opinions of writers. Supplementary sections may contain advertising, comics, and coupons.
Tips on how to write a eye catching news
1. One idea per sentence.
No: Columbine High School in Littleton, Colo., experienced the largest of recent high school murder rampages last week, and DeKalb schools, along with police, are reacting to a rumor of violence at DeKalb High School.
Yes: School officials and police are reacting quickly to a rumored threat of violence at DeKalb High School.
The response follows last week's high school massacre in Littleton, Colo.
2. Limit sentence length to 23-25 words. If you can't read a sentence aloud without a breath, it's too long.
No: After the announcement was made by President John La Tourette that he will be retiring early next year, Boey, under his board authority, created an ad hoc committee that will find representatives to sit on the actual search committee. (38 words)
Yes: President John La Tourette announced last month he will retire early next year. (12 words) Boey has since created a temporary committee to choose a search committee. (12 words)
3. S-V-O: Subject-Verb-Object. Right-branching sentences (think of a train engine). Don't delay meaning. Don't use a lot of commas.
No: Mauger, who worked as a bursar at DePaul University in Chicago prior to working at Beloit, said she missed the university environment.
Yes: Mauger was a bursar at Chicago's DePaul University before her Beloit job. She missed the university environment.
4. Use strong verbs and an active voice.
No: The poem will be read by La Tourette.
Yes: La Tourette will read the poem.
5. Reduce difficult words to their simplest terms. Don't let bureaucrats dictate your word choices.
No: The search committee will be constructed in accordance with Article 8 of the NIU constitution.
Yes: NIU's constitution dictates the search committee's makeup.
6. Don't back into a sentence.
No: The end of the academic year and the end of the legislative session were two reasons La Tourette cited.
Yes: La Tourette cited two reasons: the end of the academic year and the end of the legislative session.
7. Don't use more than three numbers in any one sentence.
No: Wednesday, the NIU baseball team's winless streak hit 22 as NIU (4-37-1) dropped a twin bill to Miami (21-18-1), 8-2 and 10-5, at Oxford, Ohio.
Yes: Oxford, Ohio Ñ NIU's baseball losing streak reached 22 as the Huskies dropped a doubleheader Wednesday to Miami, 8-2 and 10-5.
8. Use no more than three prepositional phrases per sentence.
No: Students who will be graduating from NIU will be honored at a senior luncheon from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Friday in the Regency Room of the Holmes Student Center.
Yes: Friday's senior luncheon will honor students about to graduate. The event runs from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Holmes Student Center's Regency Room.
9. Choose the precise word.
No: This will increase the number of participants from 55 students a week to 200 students a week, and in that extra 145 students the age for attendance also will change. The present center is only equipped to handle children ages 2-6, but the new center will have the capacity to serve infants, too. (2 sentences, 53 words total)
Yes: This will increase the center's weekly capacity, from 55 children to 200. And, while the current center takes children ages 2-6, the new center will take infants, too. (2 sentences, 28 words total)
10. KISS (keep it simple, stupid).
No: Biological sciences professor Karl Johnson passed away Tuesday at the age of 55, following a long, courageous battle with cancer.
Yes: Biology professor Karl Johnson died of cancer Tuesday. He was 55.
First five pararaphs
All the work of producing a news story is futile if the story does not engage the reader immediately. Writing coaches have identified four key elements that should be present in the first five paragraphs of any news story (not necessarily in any particular order). They are:
The newest information: the basic facts of who, what, when, where, why and how ... the most relevant information.
What a situation means and who is affected. Tells readers what the news changes about their lives and, maybe, what they should do.
The general perspective that frames the background of the news. It addresses the relationship of things around the news. Context helps readers understand whether something is normal or surprising.
The human dimension. Takes a story from abstract to reality. Offers personal elements that help readers understand the story. This is not necessarily a quote, but it could be.
Tips on how to write a eye catching news
1. One idea per sentence.
No: Columbine High School in Littleton, Colo., experienced the largest of recent high school murder rampages last week, and DeKalb schools, along with police, are reacting to a rumor of violence at DeKalb High School.
Yes: School officials and police are reacting quickly to a rumored threat of violence at DeKalb High School.
The response follows last week's high school massacre in Littleton, Colo.
2. Limit sentence length to 23-25 words. If you can't read a sentence aloud without a breath, it's too long.
No: After the announcement was made by President John La Tourette that he will be retiring early next year, Boey, under his board authority, created an ad hoc committee that will find representatives to sit on the actual search committee. (38 words)
Yes: President John La Tourette announced last month he will retire early next year. (12 words) Boey has since created a temporary committee to choose a search committee. (12 words)
3. S-V-O: Subject-Verb-Object. Right-branching sentences (think of a train engine). Don't delay meaning. Don't use a lot of commas.
No: Mauger, who worked as a bursar at DePaul University in Chicago prior to working at Beloit, said she missed the university environment.
Yes: Mauger was a bursar at Chicago's DePaul University before her Beloit job. She missed the university environment.
4. Use strong verbs and an active voice.
No: The poem will be read by La Tourette.
Yes: La Tourette will read the poem.
5. Reduce difficult words to their simplest terms. Don't let bureaucrats dictate your word choices.
No: The search committee will be constructed in accordance with Article 8 of the NIU constitution.
Yes: NIU's constitution dictates the search committee's makeup.
6. Don't back into a sentence.
No: The end of the academic year and the end of the legislative session were two reasons La Tourette cited.
Yes: La Tourette cited two reasons: the end of the academic year and the end of the legislative session.
7. Don't use more than three numbers in any one sentence.
No: Wednesday, the NIU baseball team's winless streak hit 22 as NIU (4-37-1) dropped a twin bill to Miami (21-18-1), 8-2 and 10-5, at Oxford, Ohio.
Yes: Oxford, Ohio Ñ NIU's baseball losing streak reached 22 as the Huskies dropped a doubleheader Wednesday to Miami, 8-2 and 10-5.
8. Use no more than three prepositional phrases per sentence.
No: Students who will be graduating from NIU will be honored at a senior luncheon from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Friday in the Regency Room of the Holmes Student Center.
Yes: Friday's senior luncheon will honor students about to graduate. The event runs from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Holmes Student Center's Regency Room.
9. Choose the precise word.
No: This will increase the number of participants from 55 students a week to 200 students a week, and in that extra 145 students the age for attendance also will change. The present center is only equipped to handle children ages 2-6, but the new center will have the capacity to serve infants, too. (2 sentences, 53 words total)
Yes: This will increase the center's weekly capacity, from 55 children to 200. And, while the current center takes children ages 2-6, the new center will take infants, too. (2 sentences, 28 words total)
10. KISS (keep it simple, stupid).
No: Biological sciences professor Karl Johnson passed away Tuesday at the age of 55, following a long, courageous battle with cancer.
Yes: Biology professor Karl Johnson died of cancer Tuesday. He was 55.
First five pararaphs
All the work of producing a news story is futile if the story does not engage the reader immediately. Writing coaches have identified four key elements that should be present in the first five paragraphs of any news story (not necessarily in any particular order). They are:
The newest information: the basic facts of who, what, when, where, why and how ... the most relevant information.
What a situation means and who is affected. Tells readers what the news changes about their lives and, maybe, what they should do.
The general perspective that frames the background of the news. It addresses the relationship of things around the news. Context helps readers understand whether something is normal or surprising.
The human dimension. Takes a story from abstract to reality. Offers personal elements that help readers understand the story. This is not necessarily a quote, but it could be.
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